Category: Chey

  • Goodbye, everyone.

    So half the world is taking off for High School Leadership Training this week. That puts a serious cramp in play dates and meals (taken at other peoples houses, of course). I’m not pleased. Oh, of course, everyone(Heikki’s, Price’s, Nicole, Katie, Eric, etc.) will be missed and all that jazz, but did no one take…

  • Moving on up. . .

    So, guys, what do you think? I’m thinking of divesting. I have this (and I already see the irony) spot free on blogger that is mine. . .all mine. . .Moohahahaha! and so I thought I might move. You know give Davin back his spot. regain some personal identity. No. never mind. don’t need that.…

  • If I had a hammer. . .

    So I visited my first chat room. a Christian chatroom. And guess what. . . I got blasted out of the water. really. I have never been so completely insulted in working memory. they threw scritpture at me and told me I was shameful. I can’t describe how that feels. I have heard unbelivers talk…

  • Weary, weary

    So, I’m pretty tired. In general. I mean, maybe it’s just me (but you’re reading this so deal with it) but I find it hard/difficult/tiring to be alive some days. The really difficult part is knowing how much to give of yourself and to what end. Noel talked about this once at church ( I…

  • “I don’t know how this is going to end. . .”

    So, I finally finished the Matrix again. It’s hard with the children. And I think DVD’s are actually not as convienent as VHS for stopping and starting. Anyway, I still can’t get what is so motivating/compelling about this film. Could it be as visceral as the music (Rage Against the Machine could move anyone)? or…

  • No man is an island. . .

    OK, so my computer has developed a weird aversion to Blogspot websites. i was trying to comment on Suzanne’s site about Dan’s talk today (She said: “that man never ceases to amaze me.” and I wanted to say, “He apparently amazes many people. When Dan said he had a wife the people sitting in front…

  • I’m sooo close to the edge. . .

    So, I took this quiz for kicks and I find the results a little frightening in its accuracy. What do you think? You are an SRDF–Sober Rational Destructive Follower. (I’m a little unnerved by the destructive tag) This makes you a font of knowledge. You are cool, analytical, intelligent and completely unfunny. Sometimes you slice…

  • Tick-tock. . .

    Alright, so it’s the middle of the night (literally) and I am still up. Ihave to get the girls up and in the car by 7:30 tomorrow/today and I’m still awake. Why? you might ask. Because I bought a new coffee creamer the other day and I wanted to have some. At 8 PM. So…

  • Are you ready to RUMBLE?

    so, I gave Suzanne a gentle chastisment today for being the only other mommy near me blogging and not writing to her blog just before she told me she wrote yesterday and I haven’t seen it yet. Oops. Anyway, so, I’m done with the Anne Lamott book. So lets chat. She is a little half-off…

  • HOkay, This is a stinking

    HOkay, This is a stinking funny book. “Ash Wednesday came early this year. It is supposed to be about preparation, about consecration, about moving toward Easter, toward resurrection and renewal. It offers us a chance to break through the distractions that keep us from living the basic Easter message of love, of living in wonder…