Category: Chey

  • Googlism?

    Googlism for: chey chey is a response regulator chey is a regulatory protein involved in chemotaxis excitation chey is currently working with 2 additional internal medicine residents chey is a very chey is proud of his company’s vertical integration chey is referring to the value of brands chey is so enthusiastic about sk?s prospects in…

  • “You know you’re a geek when. . .”

    So our daughter, Eva, is going to be 9 months old on Friday and she still sleeps in the spare bedroom on a futon. Has a crib and I have put her in it twice. The first time she screamed for a good long while and big sister was sitting up in her bed holding…

  • “Back in the saddle, again. . .”

    So, I haven’t written in a while. Don’t take it personally. I care about you, my web audience, I do. It’s just that chasing children takes a lot out of a girl. So here is the update. I’ve decided to do a PhD. and then I decided not to. But I am gonna write a…

  • Yeah, Baby!

    For those of you who don’t think Momming is hard enough, here are some excerpts of last semesters evaluations. Look closely. There are mixed messages here. “Do you have any comments about the instructor?” “She was very attentive and expressed concern about students. Helpfull in many ways. Took time with every student and discussed problems…

  • This is Hilarious!

    Big Brother at his finest. Thanks, Scotty.

  • “All we like sheep. . . .”

    “It’s a perilous thing, to be leaderless and obedient at once.” This is a quote from The Book of Sorrows by Walter Wangerin, JR. In it he refers to sheep. Wangerin writes allegory, so it would not be farfetched to take oneself as the sheep. I feel like the sheep sometimes. Except, being the big…

  • The Day of the Lord

    So, God’s a funny guy. Just this morning, I was thinking over my life, which is in a bit of a shambles now, and I thought, “You know, I haven’t read anything in the Bible recently that I would want to share with anyone (don’t ask me what I’ve read AT ALL, recently). Why am…

  • “Everybody get together, try to love one another, right now”

    “If church is run as a business or corporation, it ceases to be a family. But if church truly is a family, we not only will support one another, we will confront one another. Otherwise, there is little accountability.” -Glenn Kaiser For those who don’t know, Glenn Kaiser is the main talker from the Rez…

  • More good news!

    “Sometimes, particularly in older people, symptoms of shingles persist long after the rash is healed. In these cases, facial paralysis, headache, and persistent pain can be the aftermath. Possibly because the nerve cells conveying pain sensations are hardest hit, or are exquisitely sensitized by the virus attack, pain is the principal persistent complication of shingles.…

  • She’s got the Mange!

    So, I have this rash (kindly refrain from taking that any further, it’s a teeny tiny spot), but we don’t have any insurance right now and not a lot of disposable income (certainly not disposable on dumb old doctors). Anyway, So I go on-line to see what dread disease I might have. The problem with…