Category: Davin

  • Is it Spring yet? I got stuck on a muddy road.

    The weather today was sunny, blue sky and mid-forties. The Winter is long, and on days like today, it is easy to think the season has changed. No dice. I’m sick. Some sinus, upper-bronchial thing. I left work a little early; I was in no shape to start writing an XML schema. At home I…

  • Christmas 2008 photos

    Lila, Eva and I spent a week up at my parents’ house in Chassell, MI. We had a great time! Snow fell continually, except for a beautiful blue sky on Christmas morning. Eva came down with a cold, so we did not spend much time outside. We did do a little sledding though. Here are…

  • Snowy day in Chassell, MI

  • Snowy day in St Charles, MI

  • Switching to WordPress

    In 2003, I started this blog on the then young service, linked in with my web space at MSU. Shortly thereafter I switched to MovableType and stayed with MT for a few versions. In a recent MT upgrade, I wasn’t pleased with the process. So, I’ve just switched to WordPress, which I had used…

  • Faith, as from Hebrews and Tozer

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 I’ve been reading A. W. Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God” again, and have spent time considering a way he describes faith. Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God. A.W. Tozer in…

  • Slamming dough

    You know that cliche, heart-warming thought about home-made bakery being made with love? Well, for all you bakers out there, let’s get real: baking can be aggressive. I just now put some cranberry and sour cream scones in the oven, and had a funny moment of reflection. As I was preparing the dough, I was…

  • Mourning and joy

    At church this morning, Steve spoke about mourning and joy. He made a point about the word “mourning”—that it is easy to skim over verses that use it. In Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,” the word “mourn” should be read more like devastatingly broken-hearted, as many of us…

  • A degree, finally?

    this weak I finishedd my Bachealor’s in English frum michigan state university!!!!!!!! (Ahem.) While I was a full-time student from 1994 to 1999, I did not complete my degree requirements at that time. I was offered a full-time job in the Web field in mid-1999, and I took it. Although I was close to finishing,…

  • Poetry voice, radio voice

    I was a disc jockey, once upon a long time ago, at a radio station. During the training, my supervisor spoke about on-air voice and how to speak with a microphone. He pointed out that many people adopt a “radio voice”—you know, exaggerating the highs and lows, changing the rhythm of how you speak. Even…