Summer/city blues
We’re surrounded by people who set off fireworks
Tick-tock. . .
Alright, so it’s the middle of the night (literally) and I am still up. Ihave to get the girls up and in the car by 7:30 tomorrow/today and I’m still awake. Why? you might ask. Because I bought a new coffee creamer the other day and I wanted to have some. At 8 PM. So…
Are you ready to RUMBLE?
so, I gave Suzanne a gentle chastisment today for being the only other mommy near me blogging and not writing to her blog just before she told me she wrote yesterday and I haven’t seen it yet. Oops. Anyway, so, I’m done with the Anne Lamott book. So lets chat. She is a little half-off…
HOkay, This is a stinking
HOkay, This is a stinking funny book. “Ash Wednesday came early this year. It is supposed to be about preparation, about consecration, about moving toward Easter, toward resurrection and renewal. It offers us a chance to break through the distractions that keep us from living the basic Easter message of love, of living in wonder…
a chainsaw for your birthday?
So, I did commit and I’m about halfway done with the Anne Lamott book. Here are today’s quotable quotes: “A woman I know says, for her morning prayer, ‘whatever,’ and then for the evening, ‘oh, well,’ but has conceded that these prayers are more palatable for people without children.” Ok, so that is funny. And.…
Hm, a bug.
So, the background color isn’t showing in the Flash movie at the top. Any ideas? It wouldn’t have to do with the fact that it is not one of the sacrosanct web-safe colors, I would hope. Not sure. Using #eef. Eventually the fading photo thing will be working on each photo section. In time.
Site tweak | Lila’s prayers
So, I felt like tweaking the visuals here. I’ve been meaning to since
. . .And the answer is. . .
so, I’m reading Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott on the recommendation (however indirect) of Dan and Suzanne Price. Now Anne Lamott has always seemed to be, sort of, “half-off” to me, which is not to say “half-assed” but that is another discussion for another time. So It’s hard for me to commit to this book.…
well, what do ya think about that?
” ‘ It is my feeling,’ said Avalon, ‘ that however seriously a male may intellectually accept the concept of his wife’s equality, his feeling, viscerally, is that she is merely an appendage.’ “–Asimov, in The Return of the Black Widowers
The prodigals have returned
Heidi-ho, family. the girls and I are back from Indiana. We came back a couple of days early because we ran out of money (and Richmond, IA is not exactly a hip happening town). NO, really we ran out of money and Indiana appears to be the type of place where you need either money…