Category: Davin

  • Coming soon? Dual-boot, Mac & Win

    So all this talk about Apple moving its OS to x86 processors makes me think that at some point down the road, we’ll be able to buy a system from Apple (because they won’t officially permit the OS to run on just any computer – not that hacks aren’t already running) that has OS 10.5…

  • Securing the Mac 10.4 laptop

    I talked with a guy from the MSU Computer Store this morning about getting Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security for the Mac laptop I’ve been using. His recommendation is to just get AntiVirus 10 for the Mac and change a few settings on the laptop. Here are his recommendations: Turn off Bluetooth, Discoverable, so that…

  • Melt-down proof, modular nuclear power plants

    This is one of the most interesting articles I’ve read in a while. Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom Explosive growth has made the People’s Republic of China the most power-hungry nation on earth. Get ready for the mass-produced, meltdown-proof future of nuclear energy. By Spencer Reiss at

  • Teaching DW MX 2004 L2

    Today I taught Dreamweaver MX 2004-Level 2. It was the second time I’ve done the course, and I don’t feel like it went as well as the first time I did it. The feedback from the students was fine. No major complaints, though I had a suggestion to go through some of the examples more…

  • Down like Rumplestiltskin.

    You know when you lie back to take a little rest and you wake up eight hours later? That was me, last night. I finally had the girls in bed, and I wanted to get some laundry going and do some client related work. But, I was really feeling a little groggy. So, I laid…

  • Web Site Visibility class

    Today I taught a course in Web Site Visibility. It was fun. It is really the first course I’ve been able to teach that I was actually able to draw heavily on my experience with the web. It was a small course, and I realized after talking with the participants that the name of the…

  • Bears! Oh my.

    I was at RiteAid this evening picking up some cold and flu medicine for Chey, and the woman at the register warned me to be on the lookout for a bear. Yes, a bear. It turns out there was a bear down by Saginaw and Creyts Rd., which is not all that far from the…

  • Commuting! Oh ye bane of my time! Oh ye cursed destroyer of my schedule!

    So, I’ve found that I’m gone during the workday for eleven and a half hours, when I take the bus back and forth. I leave at 6:25 AM and get back home at 6:00 PM. When taking the bus, the total commute time for the day is about two and a half hours. When I…

  • What a change

    I’m at the end of my first week at this new job. Other than basic logistics (parking, orientation, setting up voicemail, etc.), my time has been spent mostly in classes and preparing to teach classes. So far, I’ve sat in on Access Database Design, Fundamentals of Web Development, and I’m in the middle of a…

  • my sad haiku

    “sorrow more, laugh less” my heart fears the icy wind “wise hearts know to mourn” there – in between a soft heart and no forgiveness – a wound festers, seeps our world is broken: fools know pleasure – but the wise are sad god, mend us