Category: Davin

  • I can eat crunchy peanut butter now.

    I was at the grocery store and realized that I can buy crunchy peanut butter. So, I’m eating a PB&J with crunchy peanut butter now. Oh man, this is living. I still need to have creamy peanut butter when the girls come over. The last weekend that I had the girls, Lila tried a crunchy…

  • Stories and kiddie-coffee

    I had the girls this weekend, and before I brought them back this evening, we went for kiddie-coffee at a Beaners. Or, the B as Lila calls it. Kiddie-coffee is, of course, a vanilla steamer, not too hot. So, we sat around the table, sharing a lemon scone, the girls dipping their fingers into the…

  • Shooting update

    Adam, Andy, and I went out shooting again today. It was a beautiful day for it: just a little windy, blue sky, and up in the fifites, I think. I shot my Clark .45 for the first time in a very long time, and shot some okay groups. There were a few in the white,…

  • New address

    806 Cherry Lane, Apt. 202East Lansing, MI 48823Ph: (517) 355-7937

  • Divorce

    I spoke with Chey on the phone today. She demands a divorce. So, here life pivots. God is good.

  • Transitioning into this job

    I thought I wanted a career, but it turns out I only wanted a paycheck. I read that quote, it was taped to a cash register at Espresso Royale, back in July, about a month into my job as a technology trainer at the university, after having spent seven years producing web sites full-time. Tomorrow…

  • If I owned a Mexican restaurant…

    I was eating at Panchero’s a few days ago and I heard someone ordering a burrito. When the employee asked the customer if he wanted hot sauce on it, the guy said, “Have any super-hot sauce? Something under the counter?” That would be awesome. If I ran a Mexican restaurant like that, I’d keep some…

  • Photo: MSU Writing Center crew from way back

    Chey showed me this picture a day or so ago. I think Jill Pennington (shown in the photo, middle row, second from the right) lent it to her. It was weird to see—it is from a completely different time of life. A good time, but very, very far removed from now. It even pre-dates Chey.…

  • Don’t be passing up good…

    Don’t be passing up good jobs just because you lack the appropriate education. — From a spam message about enrolling for some sort of education program. I guess they are trying to write to their audience’s level.

  • Hey look, Lee and me

    Photo of Lee Allis-Hayes and myself at the World Usability Day event at the MSU Union Building. The photo linked to above was taken by Betsy Weber. Betsy is the “Chief Evangelist” at TechSmith. I think that’s a fun title. It’s not just a job—it’s a calling. Lee, also from TechSmith, and I seem to…