Author: Davin Granroth

  • Thanks

    Thank you to everyone for the help and support we’ve received in these last few days. And, we really appreciate the Riverview-ians who have brought (and will bring) us meals! Not having to worry about preparing meals ourselves really makes a big difference. So, thanks.

  • Eva Marie Granroth is here!

    Once labor started in earnest, it went fast. Two hours, maybe. Chey was in the bathtub, at home, breathing hard. We called the midwives, and while Gera was talking with Chey on the phone, I was talking with Chey’s mother, Lahine, about coming over to stay and make sure Lila would be alright. That was…

  • Contractions

    Here we are timing contractions. This evening Chey and I went out to Outback Steakhouse. Then we went to Target to buy a stroller/carseat combo. Then we went to pick up Lila from Nicole’s apartment. Chey has been having the contractions all evening, and they have been quite stronger than in the past couple weeks.…

  • Pics from Ingham County Fair!

    A couple days ago, Chey and Lila went to the Ingham County Fair with our friends Martin and Stacey Wilder. Here are some great pics! Click on these thumbnails to see larger versions.

  • Cooking up a storm

    We rapidly approach the due date for baby number two, and Chey is cooking up a storm. Definitely not what I would be doing if I had a passenger with luggage in my belly. The flour on the belly makes this photo for me.

  • The manuscript is in, the MA is looming

    Here it is! Proof that the thesis is finally not going to change again! Chey has worked very hard on this, for almost three years, I think. It is 140+ pages, with untold numbers of pages of revisions leading up to its final form. Congratulations Chey!

  • National Junior Pistol Champions!

    The Junior Pistol Team from the Ottowa Sportsmen’s Club of Pelkie, Michigan swept the Marksman class team competitions at the National Pistol Championships at Camp Perry, Ohio this past week. Very impressive shooting from a young team! In addition to the team’s accomplishments, Jeff Tuomi placed 2nd Marksman and first Junior Marksman, Kurt Szyszkoski finished…

  • Visual description of an HTML element

    Click on the words above to see the differences between an element, element content, attribute name, attribute value, start tag, and end tag. This is the first version of this “diagram,” so bear with me. Let me know if you have any feedback on it.

  • How can anything like “Microsoft patches holes in Windows” be worthy of being a top story

    Okay, so lately (alright, the last seven years or so) I’ve had my issues with Microsoft Windows, but’s news service has a headline titled, “Microsoft patches holes in Windows.” My question is, how is that news? As though that process has ever stopped. Here’s a headline that would be worth posting, “Microsoft releases hole-free…

  • Chey’s thesis at the grad college

    Incidentally, Chey dropped her thesis off to the grad college at Central Michigan University. While the grad college will probably hand it back with edits to be made, we can always hope they won’t! Thankfully, she is already lined up to teach some more classes at Lansing Community College next school year. Having the MA…