Author: Davin Granroth

  • color shift

    Bear with me. I’m uploading a half-finished stylesheet. Gotta run and something else for a bit. Should be mostly readable, but gonna be some contrast issues until I get back to this.

  • UX is a quality, not discipline, thoughts spurred by Peter Merholz

    I thought this post from Peter Merholz was a nice philosophical step-back for usability. User Experience is a Quality, Not A Discipline One of the things that has been hard for the “usability community” to accept is that usability is not really interesting in and of itself. And that usability isn’t really a goal, and…

  • Features of robust dynamic menus

    There are many fine examples of dynamic menus, menus that display sub menus when you hover your mouse pointer or bring focus to them in other ways, such as tabbing through links with your keyboard. I was reading a recent article on regarding hybrid CSS menus, and the discussion that followed the article showed…

  • Eva’s mystique with the iBook

    The girls have this uncanny ability to undermine Chey’s iBook. A few months ago, Lila was “working” on Chey’s computer while I was reading a book. When she was done working, she had managed to move the Library directory from /Users/cheygranroth/ to /Users/cheygranroth/Documents. The tricky part was neither Chey nor I realized what had happened…

  • Software Development Company, nice branding

    I like the branding done by the company Art&Logic at their web site. It is a company of software engineers who telecommute on projects. Basically, what I like is that they are very straightforward about differentiating themselves. They say: We Do the Hard StuffWe specialize in difficult projects. Our clients typically have complex requirements and…

  • Change is afoot in the web…More foundational than when the first graphic showed up in a web browser…

    What an exciting time to be in the Web industry. I just read an essay by Janice Fraser of Adaptive Path that really got me thinking. Major change, like questions of what happens to our bookmarks when we lose our current definition of a web page? In 2002, Luke Wroblewski of the NCSA published a…

  • Oh, and how about major merger?

    In case you hadn’t heard already, Macromedia is being bought by Adobe. This is a huge deal, especially for the web industry. (Read about it at Me, I’m not pleased to hear it. I sort of like having them compete for market share. Keeps prices down. Increases innovation. What I hear is that Adobe…

  • Blasted squirrels

    While watering our little garden today, I noticed that the strawberry plants were conspicuously missing. Yesterday I saw a big fat squirrel sitting in our garden in the midst of the strawberry plants. Now, I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I’m pretty sure Lila, Eva, and Chey would not have scrounged through the…

  • Interviews, more interviews

    Well, I just finished another interview with some folks at Sircon. It’s gotta be my fifth interview with them by now. Also, I have an interview on Thursday of this week for an instructor position with LCTTP at Michigan State University. I think I could really enjoy that job. I’m looking forward to the interview.

  • Job hunting

    Here is a partial list of jobs applied for so far. An asterisk (*)indicates a position that I have already interviewed for. *Project Manager at Sircon (position closed) *Programmer Analyst positions at Sircon *Web/Graphic designer position at Sircon Senior Information Architect at Avenue A | Razorfish Senior Information Architect at Fry, Inc. Assistant Director at…