Tag: work

  • The LCTTP interview went really well

    Today I had the second interview with MSU LCTTP. I think it went well. I gave a presentation on usability testing for web sites; I tried to provide the context of where user testing fits into the big picture of web site development, then I actually ran a quick user test to demonstrate how to…

  • Second interview with MSU LCTTP

    I have a second interview set up with the people at MSU‘s LCTTP. The position is for an instructor position, teaching mostly web development skills with an emphasis on database-driven web sites. I’m really looking forward to the interview. They asked me to give a twenty minute presentation on one of the following: Fundamentals of…

  • Field-tested veteran Web Professional.

    Black belt in xhtml, css, and rapid iterative web production Special-Ops duty in the full gamut of web human interface design tactics Guerilla fighter in web site/app usability. ROI! Hu-Rah! Top-secret clearance. I build the stuff you don’t get to look at. Field-commander on reconnaissance and tactical-strike web missions. Scrambled and led teams of highly…

  • Cold calling for jobs

    I just cold-called Tec-Ed, Inc., inquiring about a position. Tec-Ed is a usability company in Ann Arbor. I didn’t know they existed until I saw them listed on the Usability Professionals Association web site. Unfortunately, during the call the person I spoke with mentioned they had just hired someone last week. Dang. Here’s hoping they’re…

  • Yet another interview with Sircon

    That’s right, I have another interview scheduled with Sircon for the end of the week. I’ve lost count of how many this makes. Seven? This is kind of absurd. I’m trying to look at it with a mixture of humor and undestanding (It’s not like I’ve just interviewed for a single position; it’s been more…

  • Interviews, more interviews

    Well, I just finished another interview with some folks at Sircon. It’s gotta be my fifth interview with them by now. Also, I have an interview on Thursday of this week for an instructor position with LCTTP at Michigan State University. I think I could really enjoy that job. I’m looking forward to the interview.

  • Job hunting

    Here is a partial list of jobs applied for so far. An asterisk (*)indicates a position that I have already interviewed for. *Project Manager at Sircon (position closed) *Programmer Analyst positions at Sircon *Web/Graphic designer position at Sircon Senior Information Architect at Avenue A | Razorfish Senior Information Architect at Fry, Inc. Assistant Director at…

  • I’m in the market for a job

    While running Envision Internet Consulting for the last few years has really been fun, the income is just too inconsistent to raise a family on. So, I’m in the market for a regular job. It will be odd after this stretch of self-employment (you other self-employed folks know what I’m talking about), but I’m committed…

  • Too hot to sleep, too tired to work

    It’s hot and muggy upstairs. Our window AC keep shorting out the circuit. It hasn’t done that before. So, instead of sleeping, I came down here to fiddle around. Or doodle. Or twiddle. Well, the point is, I wasn’t going to work because I’m so tired I figured I’d screw something up. I almost ran…

  • Burning the midnight oil

    So we’re here in my office. Chey has been working on her thesis practically all day and it is now tomorrow. Her old, broken down laptop has been giving her problems. I initialized the hard drive and reinstalled the OS today to help make this go faster. The drop down menus were starting to get…