So, the colors here
Chey looked at this site yesterday evening and said to me, “So, why don’t you ask me when you redesign this page? I don’t like these colors.” I found it sort of funny. I pictured myself sneaking upstairs at midnight, my wife sleeping soundly in bed. How peaceful. Then, I would put my hand gently…
Uhh. . .
Ok, guys, it’s been pretty busy around here. I’ve been working three days a week and Momming in my spare time. HA! Anyway, work is going well. It’s hard to do something different that I really don’t know much about. But. . . I saw the new Spiderman the other day. It’s a great movie.…
Congratulations to the Junior Pistol Team from the Ottowa Sportsmen’s Club
A group of young pistol shooters from the Ottowa Sportsmen’s Club in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan performed well at the National Pistol Championships at Camp Perry, Ohio, this past week. The following is an excerpt from an email report from my father, who has been coaching the young shooters. There were 18 Sharpshooter Class…
Too hot to sleep, too tired to work
It’s hot and muggy upstairs. Our window AC keep shorting out the circuit. It hasn’t done that before. So, instead of sleeping, I came down here to fiddle around. Or doodle. Or twiddle. Well, the point is, I wasn’t going to work because I’m so tired I figured I’d screw something up. I almost ran…
Down to FIVE messages in my inbox
Over the last half hour, I went from 328 to 5 messages in my email inbox.
Indenting blocks of code in Dreamweaver
It is nice when you discover something new and useful in a piece of software you’ve been using for years. For instance, this past week I discovered that in the Code View in Dreamweaver MX, you can highlight a big block of code and tab the whole thing to the right, uniformly, by pressing TAB.…
Trackpad button fix on clamshell iBook
A couple months ago I installed new hard drive in Chey’s laptop, a tangerine iBook of the clamshell variety. In the process I managed (why does this sound like a confession to me?) to fracture the ribbon between the trackpad and the mainboard, disabling the trackpad button. So, after trying to fix it and failing,…
Visual music searches
This is cool. I searched for “Robert Johnson.” The image above is a very small snippet of what came up. The map it creates represents other artists in the genre, as well as nearby genres. Size of circle indicates performer popularity or influence. http://musicplasma.com/
Goodbye, everyone.
So half the world is taking off for High School Leadership Training this week. That puts a serious cramp in play dates and meals (taken at other peoples houses, of course). I’m not pleased. Oh, of course, everyone(Heikki’s, Price’s, Nicole, Katie, Eric, etc.) will be missed and all that jazz, but did no one take…
Prankster billboard
SMS Sensitive Billboard Douses Passersby A German billboard has been set up to douse nearby pedestrians with water using an automatic sprinkler system that’s triggered by SMS, according to a report by Poynter. The advertiser, Gardena, bought a large poster space outside the Dortmund train station. The billboard and a companion Web site, which promote…