The truth, the whole truth. . .
And nothing but the truth. So, my friend Sharon says I should come out of the closet. And Confess. It’s hard when you are faced with full disclosure and is a blog really the forum for such transparency? All right. I give. Just be gentle with me. I’m coming out of the closet. In my…
Beva the Great!
I just wanted to share this with everyone: My daughter looks like Fred Sanford when she walks. It’s a stinking riot.
Quote of the Day
“If I had my choice of being in this room or standing in the crater of an active volcano, you know which one I’d pick, don’t you?” -Andy, Triggermen
Do not be yolked. . .
So, this could totally be just me, but does anyone else ever feel like the people in your lives who really understand and enjoy you are not christian people? I’ve recently joined two “book groups.” I mean, we do read books but one of the groups is more closely related to a gab session and…
My bacon, egg, moz. cheese, grape jelly, mayo, tomato on toast sandwich
One of the benefits of an in-home office is that I get to make up my own lunch ideas. This one isn’t anything too wierd, but derned if it wasn’t tasty. Sandwhich composed of: – 2 slices of toasted wheat bread, mayo on one slice, grape jelly on the other – three slices of peppered…
Why your movable type blog must die.
So Noel has this interesting link to a rant about how movable type sucks and bloggers, that is, people who blog, suck, etc. Now not being a technocrat I don’t understand much of the ranting but I find it really amusing that people can get that bent out of shape about someone else’s personal journal.…
Why yes, I do. . .
even though you beat me to it. The exact quote was, “I mean, ‘I love Jesus’ in rainbow colors never got me excited.” Nice. This from a kid, Joe, I think, originally from Chicago, who is now at MSU, in response to Noel’s message today on being in the world, but not of the world.…
So our comment count has almost caught up with our posting count. Just a bit of trivia. I was just grading papers. Not really grading but reading and commenting. I don’t grade until they’ve had 2 or 3 chances at it. I’m tired of reading papers now. They are early and they are not so…
Sept. 11 memory
It seems like many people remember clearly where they were when they first found out about the attack on the World Trade Center. I was working at MSU University Relations at the time, and was in the midst of working on the web site for the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. I walked out of my…
Wired article: Ads that Annoy Also Succeed
Ads That Annoy Also Succeed by Adam L. Penenberg of Wired.com points out a great fact: Spam and Pop-up ads actually work, or advertisers wouldn’t still be using them. One of the reasons they work is that the cost of doing these kinds of ads are so low, that a very low conversion rate can…