going to move this site soon
I’m not a huge fan of blogger at this point. I’m going to transition this site over to a new url and a new blog tool. I’ll look for one that will produce valid xhtml and gives a few more options.
I used to write stuff
I wrote these two pieces a few years ago. Read ’em if you like. Snowfall, Snowdevil, etc. published in the Norther Michigan Journal sometime in 2000. I am unable to wrap my arms around a tree and then jerk it from the ground published in Cross Connect, Issue 14, Nov 1999.
couldn’t have said it better myself
In a WIRED.com article, Search Results Clogged by Blogs, Pete Prodoehl (RasterWeb) is quoted: the trick to achieving prominent search rankings is fairly straightforward: “update frequently and provide good content.” Not that I’m doing this. The point is that web sites that actually have business objectives could take this and run with it.
watch for this book
Zeldman has written another book. This one is called Designing with Web Standards. I’ve already pre-ordered it. Check out the the link for more info. Or, check out Zeldman’s page about the book.
Cheaper DSL! Way to go, Verizon.
According to an article on cnet.com’s news site, Verizon has lowered the price of its DSL service to $34.95 per month. Just another prize for the end-user in the broadband wars…
Broadband over your electrical wiring
CNN Technology article on broadband via electrical wiring. I’ve been watching this technology for a couple years. It’s good to see they are actually running trials in some cities.
Launched a site yesterday…
I launched the Wieland-Davco web site yesterday. Have a look at it. The site seems to be moving slowly to me. Since it is using fewer files and those files are leaner, I suspect the server is having some issues.
Frontpage vs Dreamweaver
For you web builders out there, here is one web builder’s comparison of FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
This is hilarious! Putin a little fairy!
Check out the side-by-side comparison of Vladimir Putin and Dobby, an elf from the new Harry Potter video.
Copyright wars
I attended a lecture this evening by Peter K. Yu, an expert on intellectual property, at the Michigan State University — Detroit College of Law. The lecture, entitled “The Escalating Copyright Wars,” was very well delivered and provided a good opportunity to hear some thoughts on intellectual property as it relates to media and the…