Author: Davin Granroth

  • going to move this site soon

    I’m not a huge fan of blogger at this point. I’m going to transition this site over to a new url and a new blog tool. I’ll look for one that will produce valid xhtml and gives a few more options.

  • I used to write stuff

    I wrote these two pieces a few years ago. Read ’em if you like. Snowfall, Snowdevil, etc. published in the Norther Michigan Journal sometime in 2000. I am unable to wrap my arms around a tree and then jerk it from the ground published in Cross Connect, Issue 14, Nov 1999.

  • couldn’t have said it better myself

    In a article, Search Results Clogged by Blogs, Pete Prodoehl (RasterWeb) is quoted: the trick to achieving prominent search rankings is fairly straightforward: “update frequently and provide good content.” Not that I’m doing this. The point is that web sites that actually have business objectives could take this and run with it.

  • watch for this book

    Zeldman has written another book. This one is called Designing with Web Standards. I’ve already pre-ordered it. Check out the the link for more info. Or, check out Zeldman’s page about the book.

  • Cheaper DSL! Way to go, Verizon.

    According to an article on’s news site, Verizon has lowered the price of its DSL service to $34.95 per month. Just another prize for the end-user in the broadband wars…

  • Broadband over your electrical wiring

    CNN Technology article on broadband via electrical wiring. I’ve been watching this technology for a couple years. It’s good to see they are actually running trials in some cities.

  • Launched a site yesterday…

    I launched the Wieland-Davco web site yesterday. Have a look at it. The site seems to be moving slowly to me. Since it is using fewer files and those files are leaner, I suspect the server is having some issues.

  • Frontpage vs Dreamweaver

    For you web builders out there, here is one web builder’s comparison of FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

  • This is hilarious! Putin a little fairy!

    Check out the side-by-side comparison of Vladimir Putin and Dobby, an elf from the new Harry Potter video.

  • Copyright wars

    I attended a lecture this evening by Peter K. Yu, an expert on intellectual property, at the Michigan State University — Detroit College of Law. The lecture, entitled “The Escalating Copyright Wars,” was very well delivered and provided a good opportunity to hear some thoughts on intellectual property as it relates to media and the…