Author: Davin Granroth

  • ANGEL at MSU–Who tossed out the IA?

    I’m listening to the second edition of the podcast, “the digital paper chase—education, technology, and life in the academy,” in which the intrepid hosts, Steve & Troy, talk about being tech-newbies all over again. The discussion revolves somewhat around the concepts of blogging as a Web site and podcasting. Anyway, at some point Steve made…

  • Comments work.

    I turned off the TypeKey features. They were causing some problems. We’ll see how this goes—my goal is to avoid blog-spammers while allowing comments.

  • Variations on burying our dead

    I am fascinated by the variation in what different groups of people have done with their dead over the years. Generally, in the U.S. we think of burying our dead or cremating them. I started thinking about this again because of an article I read from the Washington Post, which closed with the idea that…

  • I’m corn intolerant

    Isn’t that a crazy thing to say? Anyway, I’ve had this reaction to some foods for years, and I’ve been trying to figure it out. Lots of different pizzas would cause problems for me, some pasta sauces and salsas. Other foods with some sort of sauce as well. So, I was thinking it might be…

  • OS 10.4.2 does not connect to Win 2000 server

    As noted in the prior post, I had no problem connecting to a Windows 2000 Server shared volume with Active Directory authentication using Mac OS 10.2.8. When I tried doing the exact same process on Mac OS 10.4.2, I got a -36 error. Basically, it doesn’t work. So, there is some sort of conflict with…

  • Was able to connect with OS 10.2.8 to Win 2000 server using Active Directory authentication (Troubleshooting, continued)

    I tried on my old standby Mac at home (an old G3 Blue and White running OS 10.2.8). I had to first connect to the MSU Virtual Private Network, but once I logged on to the VPN, I was able to Connect to Server and mount the volume I’ve been after. Now, to see if…

  • Troubleshooting OS 10.4 connection to Windows share using Active Directory authentication

    I’m trying to mount a shared volume on the Mac OS 10.4 laptop I use at MSU. The shared volume is on a Windows server and it uses Active Directory to authenticate user names and passwords in the domain. I have all the right information (server address, share name, user name, password), and I have…

  • Comment troubles

    In case you’re wondering, I realize this blog is having issues with TypeKey–so nobody can comment for now. I’ll get to it.

  • Trouble with PHP5 and SQLite 3

    After fiddling for a while with SQLite 3 and PHP 5.0.4 on the Mac PowerBook (OS 10.4.2) I’ve been using, I just saw that the current version of PHP does not include support for SQLite 3. Only for version 2. Dangit. I don’t think I’m going to bother installing SQLite 2 just so it can…

  • Coming soon? Dual-boot, Mac & Win

    So all this talk about Apple moving its OS to x86 processors makes me think that at some point down the road, we’ll be able to buy a system from Apple (because they won’t officially permit the OS to run on just any computer – not that hacks aren’t already running) that has OS 10.5…