Author: Davin Granroth

  • Global nav is phooey?

    I guess I’m a little behind, but I just read this October 19th, 2005 post by Jared Spool: Global Site Navigation: Not Worthwhile? Jared makes the quick claim that global navigation is unnecessary and rarely helpful. Naturally, a discussion ensues. Some in favor of global navigation argue that it is needed for people to form…

  • Swimming in Superior

  • Salmon dinner

    I could live off frozen food, being a single guy. I’ve had weeks where dinners consist of a can of tuna and saltine crackers. But, as the song says, You don’t have to live like a refugee. So, today after church today I actually cooked a decent meal. I’m eating it now. It is very…

  • I miss my girls

    I was walking through campus back to my apartment yesterday afternoon. Children and parents were playing near the ducks by the Administration Building. I found myself scanning the crowd for my girls, hoping they would be there so I could see them. Of course they were not there. They would not be. After work today,…

  • A timeless quote and a relentless question

    The quote. My car smells like one chicken enchilada. ~ Paolo Tiseo The question. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop?

  • Shooting is humbling

    Adam and I ran a practice 900 point match today. It consisted of thirty shots of slow fire at fifty yards, thirty shots of timed fire at twenty-five yards, and thirty shots of rapid fire at twenty-five yards. We scored each ten-shot target, and ran it fairly close to how a real match would go.…

  • Overview of PGP, S/MIME and the evolving versions of secure e-mail

    I just read an article by Jim Galvin, published March of 2000 in Information Security Magazine, (IN)SECURITY FROM END TO END. The article provides an overview of the origination of secure e-mail and how the technologies have changed over the years. It also provides context for digital signatures, e-mail certificates, and PGP versus S/MIME. Here’s…

  • Video of Lila painting in the bathtub

    Video of Lila paining in the bathtub (SWF). This is a video that I just found on my hard drive. I had put it together a few years ago, from when Lila was painting (it washes off) in the bathtub. On the first clip, you can see her mouthing “Where my hand go, Mommy?” She…

  • A clean target

    Yesterday, Adam and I headed out to the range. Adam has a new mil-spec 1911 .45 from Springfield Armory. He pounded through 100 rounds of hardball. It was awesome. We’ve been going out shooting more regularly for at least a few months now, and I have finally cleaned a target. (A clean target refers to…

  • Securing e-mail

    Every once in a while, I get e-mails from server admins with host connection information. This tends to get under my skin, though I admit to sending similar information from time to time. The thing is, e-mail is so darned good at delivering this kind of information. The problem, of course, is that e-mail is…