Note to self regarding “Blunder: Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions” by Zachary Shore
I recently finished Zachary Shore’s book “Blunder: Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions.” I think I heard an interview with Shore on a show on NPR and the lessons from the book seem important. So, some time has passed, I’ve read the book, and before I pass it on to someone else, I feel a…
Memories of snow
I read the book “Snow” by Orhan Pamuk. There is much to say about the book, but I’ll say nothing, except that upon discussing the novel with Sarah Payok, who recommended I read it, I recalled some memories of snow, which I have not written down before. The sound of snow I meditated often when…
Read: Everything is Miscellaneous by Weinberger
I just finished “Everything is Miscellaneous” by David Weinberger. Fantastic read for information architects! I found it thought-provoking, educational, and humorous. I find myself thinking more creatively about designing information in my work. To honor the miscellany, I actually read through the Notes (references to sources used in each chapter), Acknowledgments, and the Index at…
reading of late
Today I started reading Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Rosenfeld and Morville. This is the second edition. I read the first edition back in 1999, I think it was. It seems much bigger now.
watch for this book
Zeldman has written another book. This one is called Designing with Web Standards. I’ve already pre-ordered it. Check out the the link for more info. Or, check out Zeldman’s page about the book.