Category: Davin

  • Look! It’s Chassell.

    Yes, that’s right folks, this is a map of downtown Chassell, where I grew up. Okay, I didn’t actually grow up in Chassell, my parents’ house is outside of Chassell, on Paradise Road. Anyway, for those who’ve wondered how big the town is (anyone?), here’s a street map of the place. Check out Google Maps.…

  • Plumbed

    The garbage disposal unit in our sink was leaking. I did not know it, really, until about three weeks ago (Self: Yeah, so why didn’t you fix it then. Self: Can it.) I finally realized it one day when I opened up the cupboard beneath the sink to get a garbage bag, and I smelled…

  • Our sump pump runs every 45 seconds

    It is warmer today, and the snow is melting. It also rained a little this morning, I think. So, I’m down here about to start drafting some information architecture documents for a client, and this recurring humming noise is distracting. It is our sump pump; I can hear the water splahing into the crock. It’s…

  • reading of late

    Today I started reading Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Rosenfeld and Morville. This is the second edition. I read the first edition back in 1999, I think it was. It seems much bigger now.

  • redesign coming soon

    Chey hates the look of this site. So, we shall declare a do-over. Soon.

  • CBS News: 5 killed in shootout among deer hunters

    5 killed in shootout among deer hunters Um. You’ve got to be kidding. This is ridiculously tragic. Folks in Northwestern Wisconsin will be talking about this for years to come. My reaction? First, be polite to people who carry loaded guns and this sort of thing shouldn’t happen, right? Right? Or, maybe the suspect is…

  • The beginning of the�

    Once upon a time, long ago, in the Winter, when I was living at my parents’ house in the snowy Upper Peninsula of Michigan, my job was to make sure the driveway was cleared of snow so people could drive out. It was a fairly long driveway, especially by city standards. This meant waking at…

  • Acting! —- Brilliant.

    So, when I’m trying find a bible verse online, I’ve been going to for years. Just now, for the first time, I clicked one of their “listen to this passage” audio links. Oh man. It’s bad. The readers have British accents, and I’m not convinced they’re real. To make it worse, they adapt these…

  • My bacon, egg, moz. cheese, grape jelly, mayo, tomato on toast sandwich

    One of the benefits of an in-home office is that I get to make up my own lunch ideas. This one isn’t anything too wierd, but derned if it wasn’t tasty. Sandwhich composed of: – 2 slices of toasted wheat bread, mayo on one slice, grape jelly on the other – three slices of peppered…

  • Why your movable type blog must die.

    So Noel has this interesting link to a rant about how movable type sucks and bloggers, that is, people who blog, suck, etc. Now not being a technocrat I don’t understand much of the ranting but I find it really amusing that people can get that bent out of shape about someone else’s personal journal.…