Author: Davin Granroth

  • Fryeburg Academy in Maine denies yearbook photos of junior shooter

    Well, at the risk of coming off as a gun-nut, I want you to be aware of this bigotry: Gun Bias Check (from Xavier’s blog). The short of it is, young Joshua Enos is a trap shooter and submitted a senior photo of himself with his shotgun (unloaded, open, safe) to the Fryeburg Academy yearbook…

  • Photos from Christmas up in Chassell

    The girls and I spent Christmas at my parents’ house. Here are some pictures!

  • New Ph.D. program site at MSU College of Education

    A day or so ago, Adam of Envision Internet Consulting released a new website for a graduate program in Education at Michigan State University. The program is the Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy Ph.D. Program at the MSU College of Education. The new site took a lot of work and I think it looks great.…

  • I’m geeked

    My department at MSU had a day celebrating 50 years of computing at MSU. So, in the MSU Computer Store, there was a Mac II plugged in and running, tiny monochromatic monitor and all. I couldn’t help but look, and lo and behold, the hard drive had TeachText and NCSA Mosaic, the first publically available…

  • What does it take to be an evangelist of good interface design?

    Reference: The Art of Evangelism, Guy Kawasaki Here are Kawasaki’s list of ten ways of looking at evangelism and my interpretation of them as someone who might be an evangelist within an organization for good interface design. 1. Create a cause. We need to do good interface design on our products, because it makes life…

  • I educate

    Slightly over a year ago, I switched careers from website producer, consultant, and business owner to technology educator. I entered an organization in the midst of its ongoing, subtle identity crisis. Do we think of ourselves as trainers? We are called that, sometimes, because we give short courses and workshops on various computing topics, and…

  • Praise God for food!

    I ate well again today! Whoo hoo! It was another salmon dinner, like a prior post. Except this time it was salmon, white rice, and a roma tomato, sliced and seasoned with salt and pepper. I thought the meal looked great on the plate. It was on a green dinner plate (thanks again Anne), with…

  • Authenticate, commenters!

    I upgraded to MovableType 3.32 recently, and just turned on TypeKey authentication, so as to avoid comment spam. This means that you will need to have a TypeKey profile in order to comment here. Sorry for the hassle! It is pretty easy to get a free TypeKey profile, so just do it 😉 This will…

  • Where does chicken come from?

    We were just eating our dinner of mac and cheese and baked beans, and Lila saw the piece of pork in the beans. “What’s that?” she asked. “Pork,” I said. “Do you know where pork comes from?” So ensued a conversation of how ham and pork are meat from a pig and how hamburger is…

  • Lila painted this in Photoshop CS 2

    Lila (my five year old daughter) painted this line art using Photoshop CS 2 on the Mac laptop I have from work. Yes, I I’m bragging a little. She used the color-picker, paint bucket, eraser, swapped the foreground and background colors a few times, used the Undo command and generally used the basics of the…