Author: Davin Granroth

  • Tim Horton’s WIFI page…fitting

    I just connected to the wifi connection at a Tim Horton’s restaurant near Saginaw, MI. I opened a Web browser, and was sent to…Google for Canadians. Vivé la Tim Hortons! Small detail, but funny.

  • Let’s stop playing Frankenstein

    Consider the monster from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: The creature is described as being about eight feet (244 centimeters) in height, with translucent yellowish skin that “barely disguised the workings of the vessels and muscles underneath”, watery, glowing eyes, flowing black hair, black lips, and white teeth. ( I read that phrase describing the skin of…

  • Marking up breadcrumb navigation

    Breadcrumb navigation is a secondary navigation system that usually represents a site visitor’s current position in the site, showing other pages above the current one in the site’s hierarchy. In some sites, like those built with Dokuwiki, breadcrumbs actually show the history of the user’s session instead of the hierarchy of the user’s current position…

  • Stay up-to-date through our…what?

    Okay, so…when I first glanced at this text, I did a triple-take because I thought it read, “The best way to stay updated with the Design Encyclopedia is through our ass… It’s actually “RSS,” not some kinky techie-mojo. Just thought I’d share. (It’s from The Design Encyclopedia, which is actually a cool project.)

  • Christmas 2008 photos

    Lila, Eva and I spent a week up at my parents’ house in Chassell, MI. We had a great time! Snow fell continually, except for a beautiful blue sky on Christmas morning. Eva came down with a cold, so we did not spend much time outside. We did do a little sledding though. Here are…

  • Snowy day in Chassell, MI

  • Snowy day in St Charles, MI

  • Switching to WordPress

    In 2003, I started this blog on the then young service, linked in with my web space at MSU. Shortly thereafter I switched to MovableType and stayed with MT for a few versions. In a recent MT upgrade, I wasn’t pleased with the process. So, I’ve just switched to WordPress, which I had used…

  • Faith, as from Hebrews and Tozer

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 I’ve been reading A. W. Tozer’s “The Pursuit of God” again, and have spent time considering a way he describes faith. Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God. A.W. Tozer in…

  • Bunk beds!