The Coffee Thing
For the last two years at Riverview, we’ve had a “Ladies Coffee Break” which entails a lot of hard work and ends up being so much fun. Each of the tables is decorated and fed by a hostess(or hostesses) who envision a theme and invite close friends, relatives and strangers to take a break and…
Sounds like Spring
So I was just outside on our porch. The weather is beautiful: sunny and long-sleeve-shirt-warm. I heard two things that made me think of Spring: A moped; a kid who lives around the corner likes to drive his moped down around our cul-de-sac and back up to his house. He was doing that all last…
Coincidence? I think not.
So I was on the throne reading Information Week magazine yesterday (is that too much information?), and in their page that has little news clips, I noticed two that were not overtly connected, yet made me pause. The first said something about approximately 600 MB of Windows OS source code had been leaked on chatrooms…
I love it, I love it, I love it!
So the concept of a weblog is interesting to me. Everything you write, everyone can see. Any comment anyone makes is visable to all. How can a person resist addiction to the “news” of other people’s lives and then the drama of still others’ reactions to that news? It provokes uncomfortable questions of what community…
Look Ma, No Hands!
Guess what. I am now authorized to submit poignant and useful information to this blog! Right now I am testing the ease of posting and the simple beauty of the medium (with Davin watching closely over my shoulder). I am taking an interest in the mind-boggling world of high-tech, high-stress, nerd-populated Web junk. I think…
Welcome Chey!
Chey is now set up to add posts to this blog, so you may soon see some Chey commentary here. Keep your eyes peeled!
Another Eva photo
I’m trying to get back in the swing of updating this blog more often. So, when I’m too tired to think of anything to write about (a cop-out, I know), I’ll try to at least post an image. So, here’s one of Eva looking particularly little.
Eva, grunting
Okay, so as parents we have to deal with the unpleasantness of our babies’ constipation. This particular episode, though, had our six month old daughter Eva taking on interesting positions. Here is one. Interestingly to me, Eva was being very vocal during this episode. It reminds me of women in labor who are being vocal.…
What not to do in northern Michigan towns
Last summer a friend and I walked into a bar in Gaylord, Michigan. We wanted to get some lunch, and because it was raining and we were walking, we weren’t took picky. Besides, there was a menu in the window that showed burgers, fries, fish, and some pasta, I think. We had not been to…
Writing, distraction, writing
So, I’m in the midst of trying to crank out a proposal that is to be in the mail today. I’m making progress, but too slowly. So, Chey told me to turn on some techno music and write to this blog for 5 minutes. So, I am. Any other bloggers out there getting comments that…