IUE2009: Keynote track
Presentations this morning Threshold of Acceptable Usability Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click? Bringing left-brain and right-brain together (or, the happy spot) Anatomy of a bus map There was an interesting hodge-podge of presentations at the Internet User Experience conference this morning. I suppose, relatively speaking, I’m an old-timer in this field…which is to…
IUE2009: Field research class
Today at the Internet User Experience conference I attended a field research class led by Danielle Gobert Cooley. The morning session was lecture and discussion on differences between lab-based research and field research, and some guidelines and tips on doing field research. Then we paired up and went out to observe some employees at Washtenaw…
IUE2009: Use Cases and Scenario-Based Design
Today at IUE2009, I attended an excellent workshop led by Jan Moorman on scenario-based design and use cases. My experience with use cases has been limited to what I’ve read from websites like AListApart.com, some select pages returned from Google searches, and snippets from books like Martin Fowler’s UML book and “Designing the Obvious” by…
Next week: IUE2009
I’ll be at the Internet User Experience 2009 conference in Ann Arbor, MI this week with a crew of coworkers. In addition to the conference itself on Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll attend 2 full-day tutorials: Use Cases in an Agile World Field Research for User Experience Design I’m looking forward to the events, and intend…
DSS.MIL is not to be trusted
It’s funny that the Defense Security Service (Provides security services to the Department of Defense and defense contractors. Mostly counter-espionage and physical security tasks.) homepage triggers an SSL certificate error. Is that some sort of first lesson: TRUST NO ONE! Heh.
The Google AdSense conundrum
I have a little side project over at rangelistings.com. The site contains a page for each state with a map of where shooting ranges in that state are. This is the first time I’ve posted advertisements on a site I’ve created, and I’ve run into a compelling question on how to make the ads more…
Tim Horton’s WIFI page…fitting
I just connected to the wifi connection at a Tim Horton’s restaurant near Saginaw, MI. I opened a Web browser, and was sent to google.ca…Google for Canadians. Vivé la Tim Hortons! Small detail, but funny.
Let’s stop playing Frankenstein
Consider the monster from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: The creature is described as being about eight feet (244 centimeters) in height, with translucent yellowish skin that “barely disguised the workings of the vessels and muscles underneath”, watery, glowing eyes, flowing black hair, black lips, and white teeth. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein%27s_monster#Appearance) I read that phrase describing the skin of…