Category: User experience, web, technology

  • New Ph.D. program site at MSU College of Education

    A day or so ago, Adam of Envision Internet Consulting released a new website for a graduate program in Education at Michigan State University. The program is the Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy Ph.D. Program at the MSU College of Education. The new site took a lot of work and I think it looks great.…

  • I’m geeked

    My department at MSU had a day celebrating 50 years of computing at MSU. So, in the MSU Computer Store, there was a Mac II plugged in and running, tiny monochromatic monitor and all. I couldn’t help but look, and lo and behold, the hard drive had TeachText and NCSA Mosaic, the first publically available…

  • What does it take to be an evangelist of good interface design?

    Reference: The Art of Evangelism, Guy Kawasaki Here are Kawasaki’s list of ten ways of looking at evangelism and my interpretation of them as someone who might be an evangelist within an organization for good interface design. 1. Create a cause. We need to do good interface design on our products, because it makes life…

  • Authenticate, commenters!

    I upgraded to MovableType 3.32 recently, and just turned on TypeKey authentication, so as to avoid comment spam. This means that you will need to have a TypeKey profile in order to comment here. Sorry for the hassle! It is pretty easy to get a free TypeKey profile, so just do it 😉 This will…

  • Global nav is phooey?

    I guess I’m a little behind, but I just read this October 19th, 2005 post by Jared Spool: Global Site Navigation: Not Worthwhile? Jared makes the quick claim that global navigation is unnecessary and rarely helpful. Naturally, a discussion ensues. Some in favor of global navigation argue that it is needed for people to form…

  • Overview of PGP, S/MIME and the evolving versions of secure e-mail

    I just read an article by Jim Galvin, published March of 2000 in Information Security Magazine, (IN)SECURITY FROM END TO END. The article provides an overview of the origination of secure e-mail and how the technologies have changed over the years. It also provides context for digital signatures, e-mail certificates, and PGP versus S/MIME. Here’s…

  • Securing e-mail

    Every once in a while, I get e-mails from server admins with host connection information. This tends to get under my skin, though I admit to sending similar information from time to time. The thing is, e-mail is so darned good at delivering this kind of information. The problem, of course, is that e-mail is…

  • Sunflower design

    My coworker, Anne Hunt, just redesigned her personal Web site. I think it looks great. It is very summery. Check it out.

  • Techie error text

    As I logged in to a local coffee shop wireless network, I got this message. I took a snapshot because I thought the error text was telling. Clearly, a programmer wrote it. Else you can always goto following url to logout… Here’s the thing: nobody actually says else and goto isn’t actually a word. And,…

  • Nice error text from Gmail

    I like the peronality coming through what would normally be very dull error text.