This past summer my friend Adam (of Envision Internet Consulting) and I worked with Lynne Brown and Matt Schulert of MediaGraphics, Inc. on a website for an exciting concept of Lynne’s, called Perspective2.
The idea was to create a studio space for the artists and producers in the area, and, wow, has it taken off!
It’s been exciting to see Lynne pull it together. When we first started talking about the website, they had just acquired the building space in Lansing’s Old Town, and she was wrangling with contractors and deadlines, shooting for a Fall 2007 opening.
Well, they built the space and opened their doors, and the few times I’ve stopped in since, there is always something going on. Last time it was a photo shoot. The time before that, a local photographer was preparing to teach a seminar on “Photo Raw” in one studio, while a photo shoot was going on in the other. They’ve had theater companies in for shows, and have recently added a baby grand piano. What fun!
Community is another aspect of the picture. With a space like this that draws creatives in, the community and connections can only grow stronger and more supportive of each other. (Hey, I can be an optimist.) Lansing needs more art, and this is a way to help the local creative sector grow in visibility and viability. Awesome.
So, this to say, if you are a photographer, videographer, need meeting space for a seminar or small conference in Lansing, P2 is pretty cool. Check it out.