Tag: javascript

  • jQuery: Show password checkbox

    I wrote version 1 of a jQuery plugin during the last couple of days. Read more about jquery.showPasswordCheckbox.js. The basic functionality is to provide a checkbox on web forms to reveal the password text, so people can choose to view the password they are entering as they enter it.

  • Revision: Using Javascript to add instructive text for input and textarea form fields

    OUTDATED POST: HTML5’s placeholder attribute creates the behavior that this javascript did. Just use the placeholder attribute. This is a code update to a prior post. The Javascript I had posted earlier fell short in one important arena: when you submitted the form without entering your own text, the form would send in the instructive…

  • Using Javascript to add instructive text for input and textarea form fields

    OUTDATED POST: HTML5′s placeholder attribute creates the behavior that this javascript did. Just use the placeholder attribute. UPDATE 2008-04-13: This code has been refactored. Please view the updated posting. Over the last year or so, I’ve worked on a number of websites where I wanted to add instructive text to form fields, but didn’t want…

  • Diagram of XHTML, CSS, JavaScript as types of code in a web page

    I’m thinking of using this diagram in an XHTML class I may be teaching in a couple weeks. The idea is to put XHTML, CSS, and Javascript in context with each other—yet to also illustrate that they are separate types of code and often are actually different files altogether.