Tag: Google

  • Excluding a site in a Google search

    Want to get search results from Google that aren’t from a specific site? Put a minus sign to the left of “site,” as in this search query: “reliability of wikipedia -site:wikipedia.org”

  • Bing delivers surprising amount of traffic to rangelistings.com

    One of my hobby sites is rangelistings.com, a site with the goal of providing a map of each state with the locations of shooting ranges on it. I keep an eye on the web traffic pretty regularly, and about 90% of the traffic it receives is from search engines. Up till the last couple of…

  • The Google AdSense conundrum

    I have a little side project over at rangelistings.com. The site contains a page for each state with a map of where shooting ranges in that state are. This is the first time I’ve posted advertisements on a site I’ve created, and I’ve run into a compelling question on how to make the ads more…

  • Look! It’s Chassell.

    Yes, that’s right folks, this is a map of downtown Chassell, where I grew up. Okay, I didn’t actually grow up in Chassell, my parents’ house is outside of Chassell, on Paradise Road. Anyway, for those who’ve wondered how big the town is (anyone?), here’s a street map of the place. Check out Google Maps.…

  • Great Google, Batman!

    Fast Company magazine has a nice article on Google and the people and innovation behind it. One of the things that struck me about it was the recurring reference to Google’s respect for the user. Google understands that its two most important assets are the attention and trust of its users. If it takes too…